Over 40 Years Acupuncture Experience
Sinusitus / Nausea / Restless Leg Syndrone
"Dr. Christine is an outstanding provider, professional, thorough and compassionate in all regards. She completely resolved my issues in several visits. She treats a wide array of medical and wellness issues and I plan to continue her services for such quality of life issues like weight control and anxiety. I wholeheartedly recommend her."
~ Steven Yablonski, Jacksonville
Let Us Help You Find Relief.
Feel Better.
Enjoy Life.
Restless Leg Syndrome
"I lived for years with the discomfort, and prescribed medications only provided temporary nominal relief. Most every evening, the restlessness would return, interrupting my sleep and making it difficult to wind down at the end of a day. Long airline flights were a nightmare. After several sessions with Dr. Christine, the issue became manageable enough for me to go off the medication and now I am happy to say the issue is completely resolved and has remained so for the past year. I often refer friends and family to Dr. Christine for acupuncture as I am very satisfied with the treatments I have received."
~ Lee McKitrick, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida