Over 40 Years Acupuncture Experience
Ankle Pain
"My ankles were hurting so bad that the pain would make me use a walker every other week. I had five acupuncture treatments, I have not needed my walker. I was really skeptical of acupuncture but my wife convinced me to go, glad I went. I have been extremely satisfied with the results, I would encourage anyone to see Dr. Christine. I am extremely happy with my experience."
~ Ernest Boada
Carcinoid Tumors / Ankle Issues
"I started acupuncture to help with carcinoid tumors and issues with my ankles. Since having acupuncture, I have a feeling of wellness and smoothness leading to relaxation and cessation of ankle pain. I continue referring friends and family to A Way of Life Acupuncture as I have been very satisfied with the quality of care."
~ Carolee Bertisch, Ponte Vedra, Florida
Let Us Help You Find Relief.
Feel Better.
Enjoy Life.